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Manufacturing Week

Manufacturing Week and Manufacturing Month in Central Minnesota

Central Minnesota will be celebrating Manufacturing Tours October 1 - 4, 2025.

CMMA has created activities and events with our partners, manufacturers, schools, and communities by exhibiting and marketing the opportunities in the high-tech world of modern manufacturing.

Our virtual magazine will once again serve as the center piece of the event!


The 2025 virtual magazine!

The Central Minnesota Tour of Manufacturing Magazine will be produced by September 1.

Click here to view the 2024 magazine.

How can I participate in Manufacturing Month?

  • Manufacturers can offer in-person or virtual tours; reach out to local schools and offer presentations about manufacturing career pathways; sponsor school's VEX Robotics programs; or set up scholarships with local colleges.

Sponsorship Info

TOM Host Tool Kit

CMMA Host Toolkit

Tour Guide

Virtual Tour Guide

  • Schools can reach out to local manufacturers to request personalized tours for their teachers and students; ask local businesses for swag or materials to do manufacturing projects in their classrooms; and help students understand the successful career pathways available in manufacturing.

TOM Teachers Guide

K-12 Grant Funding

  • Chambers and community leaders can recognize local manufacturers by highlighting their local companies and debunking manufacturing myths in their newspapers and on social media sites; have a luncheon for local manufacturer recognizing their contributions to the community; offer proclamation certificates to their local manufacturers.

Community Tour Guide

Central Minnesota Tour of Manufacturing 2025

The 2025 virtual magazine will highlight all the in-person and virtual tours scheduled in October and throughout the year.

This magazine is shared with local schools and communities to encourages parents, students, teachers, nonprofits, and job seekers to understand the career pathways available to them in manufacturing.

CMMA goals for Manufacturing Month are to educate potential employees about careers in manufacturing, tour local manufacturing facilities, assist manufacturers, and increase the value of CMMA.

When planning or marketing your own manufacturing events or activities on social media, please use "#MNManufacturing Month" to make it easier for those interested to find your information.

Tour of Manufacturing video


Hosting guides

Learn how to host, register, attend, or sponsor a tour at: Minnesota Manufactured.  For more information and details on Manufacturing Month, visit CMMA's Tour Host Toolkit or  DEED's CareerForce.


Central Minnesota’s Tour of Manufacturing: Tools and Resources to Plan a Successful Event

Video of the 9/10/24 training

Powerpoint from the 9/10/24 training

Regional Events

Please submit your regional event information.


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