School Info
DOLI Youth Skills Training
How can our school get a MDE Youth Apprenticeship program?
Youth Apprenticeship programs are great partnerships between business, schools and the community. They are formed locally by the school district’s Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator acting as navigator for the planning process leading to an application for a state-approved program.
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Step-by-step process for MDE Youth Apprenticeship
- Fill out applications
- Get approved by state in a two-level process
- State department
- Industry specialist
- Secure industry partner
- Create and list the program as a course
- 2 credit - 450 hours
- 4 credit - 900 hours
- Prepare 50 hours of safety and job training
- Can be a combination of classes, online, and employer
- SCSU can help with programs if you don't have any
- Find and approve business partners
- Enroll students
- Work with business partner on student's hours/schedule
Requirements for MDE Youth Apprenticeship
Career and Tech Education (CTE) program - Minnesota Department of Education
- Program approval
- Four program areas for CTE Youth Apprenticeship programs
- Sample MDE Training Agreement
CTE teacher
- Career and Technical Education teacher licensing
- St. Cloud State Youth Apprenticeship Program info
- CTE licensure from St Cloud State University
Work-based learning teacher
MDE Youth Apprenticeship Forms
- Competency list from MDE
- Program of study
- Blank application
- Completed application sample
Cost to school
- Teacher salary
- Safety training that the business does not cover
More on... Career and Technical Education (CTE)

“Nowadays they just kind of push us through high school and they are, ‘All right, when you get to college you will learn this.’ But half the people drop out of college and they don’t have the skills. So if we could go into the world with real skills, we could make money. And then it is debt-free....Everyone is worried about paying for college. My mom is always like, ‘oh yeah, I have been out of college for 20 years and I am still paying debts.’”
– Joshua, high school student
Career and Technical Education (CTE) plays a vital role in human resource development by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life.
CTE has a proven history of preparing students for high-demand careers that help them live their lives to the fullest.
- CTE can provide hands-on training that translates directly to attractive careers upon graduation
- Work-related or internship-like experiences can teach students the “soft skills” necessary in the labor market
- By integrating academic skills into a “real world” context, CTE can motivate better attendance, more engagement, and improve core academic skills of students.
Seven reasons why CTE is important
- 95% of CTE students graduate high school
- CTE has incredible career demand
- CTE students achieve better grades
- CTE has surprisingly satisfied students
- CTE offers students powerful direction in life
- CTE can cost almost nothing for schools
- CTE benefits the United States as a whole.
How CTE can benefit all students
- Beyond the classroom: Supplementing academic courses with technical skills and training
- Lower cost pathway to higher paying careers
- Enhancing academic courses with work experience and life skills.
5 Benefits of CTE programs for schools and districts
- Achieve higher graduation rates
- Reach more at-risk students
- Retain students and funding
- Deepen community ties
- Attain better student engagement with fewer behavior issues.